On July 28, 2020, amidst the controlled pandemic situation in Vietnam, the University of Engineering and Technology, VNUH, organized a remarkable in-person Graduation Ceremony for the class of 2020.
Even with the prevailing sense of safety, attendees were seen wearing masks to prioritize their well-being and protection during the event.
One of the cherished moments from that day was when I proudly received my certificate from the Dean of UET.
I also took the opportunity to capture memories with my classmates, forming an unforgettable picture with everyone's names listed in the caption. (Front row, from left: CuongNM, HungPD, GiangNT, Duc-Anh, GiangTT, HungPT, Hoang Ngo, HungLV, Backrow: Giang Hoang, HoangNV, Xuan-Anh, Hoang Le, HoangDV, Hieu, Linh, CuongNXV, Khai, Tuan-Anh Do, Tuan-Anh Dao, Midu)
Additionally, my scholarship hunter group, known as the UET M.Sc.++ club, gathered for a group photo to celebrate our achievements together. (From left: HoangDV, CuongNM, Hoang Le, HoangNV, Xuan-Anh, CuongNXV, Hoang Ngo, Hieu, Midu, Giang Hoang, Khai)
Having keen interest in Machine Learning, we form a closely-knit group that shares the same passion. During a special gathering, we seized the opportunity to capture a memorable moment together.
Among the attendees was my close friend, Hoang, who was already on the path to hunt for a PhD scholarship at SMU back in 2020 (now a PhD student since 2022), and we happily shared a cherished moment together.
Another significant person in attendance was Midu, now a Tutor, Research Engineer, and System Administrator at AI-lab, UET-VNUH, who I proudly posed with.
Giang Hoang, who is currently employed at TikTok Ltd., also added to the memorability of the day with his presence.
Finally, the most significant person in my life, my beloved partner (with whom I got married in 2022) and who has been my unwavering support for almost a decade, stood by my side during this momentous occasion.
The entire day was filled with joy, camaraderie, and a sense of accomplishment, making it an unforgettable celebration of our achievements and friendships.